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Use case

Lawyers often deal with voluminous legal documents, including contracts, court filings, case law, and legal opinions.


Reviewing and summarizing these documents is a time-consuming and resource-intensive task.

Lawyers need an efficient way to extract key information and insights from these documents to make informed decisions and strategize for their cases.

Nonetheless, these documents are filled with personal data, and they cannot be uploaded to tools that don´t respect regulations and GDPR (in Europe).

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Read and understand a large amount of files in little time.


eezy, AI tool locally deployable or used through API from European servers, allows the user to upload legal documents and quickly provide a summary of the

document´s content.


Lawyers can save a significant amount of time that would otherwise be spent manually reading and summarizing lengthy legal documents. The quick access to the essential information they need to make informed decisions and develop legal strategies from early stages.

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document summarization flow
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